隔夜市场 市场大幅回落等待就业市场报告

继美国市场因劳动力市场长假后遭遇大规模抛售后,欧洲市场也出现暴跌。欧洲和美国制造业面临重大挑战,刚刚发布的最新一轮 PMI 制造业数据证实了这一点。在美国,市场焦点已转向劳动力市场和就业。最新的 Jolts 职位空缺报告弱于预期,证实劳动力市场正在感受到衰退压力的影响。随着通胀率下降,加拿大央行已连续第三次降息,央行正拼命刺激严峻的衰退条件。美联储很可能在短短几周内效仿。美元隔夜稳定,欧元回升至 1.1080,英镑回升至 1.3100。
澳大利亚第二季度 GDP 连续第三个季度增长 0.2%,而年化率仅下降至 1%。这是自 1990 年代经济衰退以来最疲软的增长时期,按人均计算,增长幅度极低。移民是唯一让 GDP 增长数字保持正增长的因素。新西兰元有望重回 0.6200,而澳元则难以守住 0.6700。市场紧张不安,正在等待美国关键的劳动力市场报告。
European markets tanked overnight, following a major sell-off in US markets, following the long labour market holiday weekend. Europe and the US are facing major challenges in the manufacturing sector, which was confirmed in the latest round of PMI Manufacturing numbers, just released. In the US market focus has turned to the labour markets and employment. The latest Jolts Job Openings Report was weaker than expected, confirming labour markets are feeling the effects of recessionary pressures. The Bank of Canada has cut interest rates for the third consecutive time, as inflation rates tumble, and the Central bank desperately attempts to stimulate tough recessionary conditions. The Fed is likely to follow suit in just a couple of weeks. The US Dollar was stable overnight, with the EUR pushing back to 1.1080, while the GBP regained 1.3100.
Australian GDP came in at 0.2% growth for Q2, for the third quarter in a row, while the annualised rate fell to just 1%. This was the weakest period of growth seen since the recession of the 1990’s and on a per capita basis, is deeply negative. Immigration is the only thing holding this GDP growth number in positive territory. The NZD looked to regain 0.6200, while the AUD struggles to hold 0.6700. Markets are nervous and await key US labour market reports.