隔夜市场 陷入困境

评级公司下调银行业前景并发出警告,市场对银行业危机可能重新出现而恐慌,美国股市隔夜暴跌。穆迪下调了 10 家银行的评级,并对其他银行发出了警告,而惠誉则对包括摩根大通在内的数十家银行发出了评级下调的警告。 进一步加息的担忧增加了银行业的压力,债券收益率飙升,引发市场不安。其他数据,美国零售销售远好于预期,增长 0.7%,而纽约州制造业指数则大幅下跌至负值。 欧元回落至 1.0900,英镑则在强于预期的工资增长数据的支撑下上行至 1.2700。 英国工资增长跃升至有记录以来的最高水平 7.8%,而失业率跃升至 4.2%,显示工资/增长的螺旋式通胀极其严重,意味着英格兰银行可能被迫继续加息。
中国发布的经济数据也低于预期,工业生产和零售销售均低于增长预期。 中国央行降息,试图进一步刺经济。美元汇价的上升和大宗商品价格下行压力导致澳元跌至0.6460,而纽元跌回0.5950。 澳洲联储会议纪要显示,在上次会议上曾考虑再次加息,但他们选择等待,看看最近的加息效果如何。 尽管政府更换了央行行长,但工资上涨联合通胀压力可能会迫使央行采取进一步行动。 随着新西兰进入全面选举模式,新西兰乳制品价格下跌 7.4%,加剧了经济困境。

US equity markets plunged overnight, panicked by the prospect of a re-emerging banking crises, with downgrades and warning signals flashing. from two ratings agencies. Moody’s lowered ratings on 10 banks and placed warnings on others, while Fitch warned of dozens of bank downgrades, including JP Morgan. Fears over further interest rate rises adds pressure to the banking sector, sending jitters though the markets, as equities plunged, and bond yields jumped higher. US Retail Sales were much better than expected, coming in at 0.7% rise, while the Empire State Manufacturing Index plummeted deep into negative territory. The EUR slipped back to 1.0900, while the GBP firmed to 1.2700, bolstered by stronger than expected wage growth data. UK wage/salary growth jumped to the highest levels on record, 7.8%, while Unemployment jumped to 4.2%. The wage/growth spiral is extremely inflationary and will mean the Bank of England will probably be forced to continue to raise interest rates.
Chinese economic data releases also missed expectations, with both Industrial Production and Retail Sales missing growth expectations. The Bank of China cut rates, in an attempt to further stimulate the softer than expected economy. The rising reserve and downward commodity price pressure saw the AUD fall to 0.6460, while the NZD dropped back to 0.5950. The RBA Minutes revealed that another rate hike was considered, at the last meeting, but they elected to wait and see how recent rises played out. Wage growth and other inflationary pressures will probably force further action, despite the Government replacing the Governor. NZ Dairy Prices contracted by 7.4%, adding to the economic woes, as the Country goes into full blown election mode.

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