隔夜市场 美国通胀大幅下降 市场欢腾

美国通胀数据大幅下跌,超出市场预期,释放了多头的活力。 受此消息影响,美国股市飙升,而债券收益率下跌,强势美元也下跌。 美国CPI 从 4% 降至 3%,核心通胀率降至 5% 以下。 这对市场和美联储来说是一个巨大的安慰,他们现在可能会暂停进一步加息。 欧元飙升至1.1100上方,而英镑则触及1.3000。
正如人们普遍预期的那样,新西兰联储早些时候跟随澳大利亚央行和美联储的脚步,按下了加息暂停按钮。 这并不意味着通货膨胀已成为过去,只是表示短期继续行动的压力消退。 加拿大央行早些时候继续上调利率 25 个基点至 5%, 这与其他主要央行的做法一致,消除了美元利差,同时抑制了通胀压力。美元走软使得商品货币强劲反弹,纽元跃升至0.6300,而澳元则飙升至0.6800。

The US inflation number tumbled lower, beating expectations and unleashing the bulls. US equities surged on the news, while bond yields fell, as did the mighty US Dollar. The CPI fell to 3%, from 4% and Core inflation dropped below 5%. This was a great relief to markets and the Federal Reserve, who may now be tempted to continue to pause further interest rate hikes. The EUR surged above 1.1100, while the GBP hit 1.3000.
The RBNZ had earlier followed the RBA and the Federal Reserve and hit the pause button on interest rate rises, as was widely expected. This does not mean inflation is in the rear view mirror, but the immediate pressure to act, has subsided. The Bank of Canada had earlier bucked the trend and raised rates by 25 basis points, to 5%. This is coming into line with other major Central Banks and wiping out interest rate differentials, as much as taming inflationary pressures. The softer reserve allowed the commodity currencies to rally strongly, with the NZD jumping towards 0.6300, while the AUD spiked towards 0.6800.

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