美国的银行全部通过了美联储最新的“压力测试”,这让市场松了一口气,并推动股市上涨。 更积极的消息是美国第一季度 GDP 增长数据年增长率为 2%,令人放心,基本消除了对美国经济衰退的担忧。 美国待售房屋销售量减少了 2.1%,但最近公布的其他地产领先指标却出人意料地好。 瑞典央行 (Riksbank) 将利率进一步上调 25 个基点,至 3.75%。 这对货币的支撑作用不大,该货币目前交易价格创历史新低。 德国通胀率急剧上升,扭转了近期回落的趋势,升至 6.4%。 这不是一个好消息,与最近欧洲通胀暴跌的说法背道而驰。 可能的结果是导致更高的利率和更严重、更持久的衰退。 美元继续走强,欧元回落至1.0860,英镑则跌破1.2600。
不断上升的美元和来自欧洲的经济衰退压力对商品货币几乎没有任何帮助,纽元跌至0.6050,而澳元则试图守住0.6600。 新西兰商业信心数据有所改善,但仍然处于严重负面状态,因为企业在高利率环境下运营。 市场现在将关注美国通胀,今晚将发布重要的个人消费支出数据,美联储非常依赖该数据作为通胀指标。 同样值得关注的还有中国 PMI 和英国 GDP 增长。
US Banks passed the Fed’s latest ‘Stress Tests’, which was a relief to markets and allowed a rally in equities. Adding to the positive news was the US Q1 GDP growth number, which came in at a reassuring 2% pa, marginalising fears of a US recession. US Pending Home sales contracted by 2.1%, but data from the leading indicator (that is the housing sector), has been surprisingly good in recent times. The Swedish Central Bank (Riksbank), raised rates a further 25 basis points, to 3.75%. This did little to support the currency, which trades around record lows. German inflation took a nasty turn upwards, reversing recent trends, rising back up to 6.4%. This is not good news, and goes against the recent narrative of tumbling inflation in Europe. Higher interest rates and a deeper, more extended recession would be the probable result. The US Dollar continued to build strength, with the EUR falling back to 1.0860, while the GBP dropped below 1.2600.
The rising reserve and recessionary pressures from Europe, did little to aid the commodity currencies, with the NZD falling to 0.6050, while the AUD attempted to hold 0.6600. NZ Business Confidence data was an improvement, but remains heavily negative, as business operates in testing conditions. Markets will now focus on US inflation, with the release of the important PCE number tonight, which the Fed relies heavily upon, as an inflation indicator. Also in focus will be Chinese PMI and UK GDP growth.
不断上升的美元和来自欧洲的经济衰退压力对商品货币几乎没有任何帮助,纽元跌至0.6050,而澳元则试图守住0.6600。 新西兰商业信心数据有所改善,但仍然处于严重负面状态,因为企业在高利率环境下运营。 市场现在将关注美国通胀,今晚将发布重要的个人消费支出数据,美联储非常依赖该数据作为通胀指标。 同样值得关注的还有中国 PMI 和英国 GDP 增长。
US Banks passed the Fed’s latest ‘Stress Tests’, which was a relief to markets and allowed a rally in equities. Adding to the positive news was the US Q1 GDP growth number, which came in at a reassuring 2% pa, marginalising fears of a US recession. US Pending Home sales contracted by 2.1%, but data from the leading indicator (that is the housing sector), has been surprisingly good in recent times. The Swedish Central Bank (Riksbank), raised rates a further 25 basis points, to 3.75%. This did little to support the currency, which trades around record lows. German inflation took a nasty turn upwards, reversing recent trends, rising back up to 6.4%. This is not good news, and goes against the recent narrative of tumbling inflation in Europe. Higher interest rates and a deeper, more extended recession would be the probable result. The US Dollar continued to build strength, with the EUR falling back to 1.0860, while the GBP dropped below 1.2600.
The rising reserve and recessionary pressures from Europe, did little to aid the commodity currencies, with the NZD falling to 0.6050, while the AUD attempted to hold 0.6600. NZ Business Confidence data was an improvement, but remains heavily negative, as business operates in testing conditions. Markets will now focus on US inflation, with the release of the important PCE number tonight, which the Fed relies heavily upon, as an inflation indicator. Also in focus will be Chinese PMI and UK GDP growth.