隔夜市场 消费数据导致市场憧憬通胀压力缓解

尽管担心经济衰退、通货膨胀和银行业危机,但本周的市场交易仍显示出充满信心,尤其是美国银行业通过美联储压力测试时,整个市场对“银行业危机”的担忧出现了缓解。这有点令人惊讶,因为自上次连续几家银行倒闭以来,情况并没有发生显著变化。美联储主席鲍威尔此前否认美联储在银行监督和管理方面存在疏忽,实际结果是美联储通过压力测试,向市场声明了银行的整体稳健性。 通胀一直推动利率上升和增加经济衰退压力,央行仍在警告未来会加息,但通胀担忧正在减弱。市场乐观的情绪源于数据,最新的个人消费支出指标表明美国通胀正在下降。乐观情绪反映在股市上,上周五股市飙升至接近历史高位,而债券收益率和美元则一起走低。 尽管GDP数据疲软,欧元仍重回1.0900,而英镑则回到1.2700。

市场信心的飙升和美元的疲软使商品货币获得了一定程度的支撑。 澳元自 0.6600 强劲反弹,而纽元则飙升至 0.6100 上方。 从数据角度来看,接下来的一周将是忙碌的一周,澳大利亚央行周初将发布最新的货币政策决定,到周末会公布美国非农就业数据。 美联储正在寻求劳动力市场总体走向征兆,以确认加息已经产生影响并在未来平息通胀压力。

Markets closed the week out brimming with confidence, despite fears of recession, inflation and the banking crises. Concerns of a ‘Banking Crises’ were allayed somewhat, when the Fed’s stress tests, passed the US banks with flying colours! This is somewhat surprising as circumstances have not changed markedly, since the last Bank collapse, but now the Fed assures markets of the Banks collective soundness. This when Fed Chair Powell previously denied the Fed’s role in oversight and    management of the Banks. Inflation that has been driving rising interest rates and the recessionary pressures, but inflation fears are on decline, despite Central Banks’ warnings of future interest rate rises.. The optimism stems from inflation data suggesting US inflation is in decline, with the latest PCE indicator in the US, confirming a decline in inflation. Market optimism was reflected in equities, which surged to near record highs last Friday, while bond yields and the US Dollar settled lower. The EUR regained 1.0900, while the GBP headed back towards 1.2700, despite an anaemic GDP reading.
The surge in market confidence and the softer reserve, allowed the commodity currencies to gain some stability. The AUD bounced strongly off 0.6600, while the NZD surged back above 0.6100. The coming week is a busy one, data wise, with the RBA’s latest monetary policy decision, culminating in US Non-Farm Payrolls. The Fed is looking for an easing in the labour market, to confirm the rate rises are having an impact and quelling inflationary pressures.

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