隔夜市场 加息难阻股市上行 新西兰步入衰退

欧洲央行加息 25 个基点,符合预期,利空出尽,市场开始抛开美联储未来进一步加息的威胁而走高。 美国股市无视通胀继续强劲反弹,美国债券收益率和美元收低。 法国通胀进一步走低,欧盟的一些非常疲软的贸易数据证实欧洲经济的衰退的持续,尽管如此,欧洲央行还是决定提高利率,以图彻底战胜通胀。 经济状况不佳之下,欧盟贸易数据令人震惊,逆差高达 117 亿欧元,而市场此前预测盈余为 210 亿欧元,反差巨大。 美国也正遭受经济低迷,但美联储的“暂停”仍引发股市反弹。 消息传出后,欧元跳升至 1.0940,而英镑则强劲反弹至 1.2800。
疲软的美元汇率使澳元回升至 0.6900,而尽管 GDP 数据疲软,纽元仍突破 0.6200。 继第四季度(2022 年)下调至负 0.7% 后,新西兰第一季度 GDP 正如预期的那样收缩 0.1%。 这证实了新西兰的技术性衰退,这是历史性的,但却符合大多数人的预期。 国际货币基金组织对新西兰政府及其财务管理发出了严重警告,因为新西兰出现财政赤字/债务支出螺旋上升和巨额贸易赤字,显示出新西兰正走向入不敷出。 澳大利亚失业率继续收紧,整体失业率降至 3.6%,这并不是澳洲联储所期待的,表明货币政策有进一步收紧的空间。

The ECB raised rates 25 basis points, in line with expectations, while markets cast aside Fed threats to raise rates further, into the future. US markets put inflation in the rear-view mirror and rallied strongly on equity markets, while US Bond Yields and the Dollar settled lower. French inflation drifted lower and some very weak trade numbers out of the EU, confirmed the recession in the European economy, The ECB decided to increase rates nonetheless, to put a final nail in the inflation coffin. Economic conditions are not good, but the EU trade number was a shock, with a deficit of EUR$11.7 Billion. The projections were for a more than EUR$21 Billion surplus. The US is also suffering depressed economic conditions, but the Fed’s ‘pause’ was enough to trigger a rally, on equity markets. The EUR jumped to 1.0940, on the news, while the GBP rallied strongly towards 1.2800.
The softer reserve allowed the AUD to trend back towards 0.6900, while the NZD broke above 0.6200 despite weak GDP numbers. NZ GDP contracted 0.1% for Q1, as expected, following Q4(2022) revision lower to minus 0.7%. This confirms the technical recession in NZ, which most will certainly not deny as a reality, although it is historical. IMF had serious warnings for the NZ Government and their financial management, as deficit/debt spending spirals and massive trade deficits warn NZ, that it is living way beyond their means. Australian Unemployment numbers continue to tighten, with the headline rate falling to 3.6%, which is not what the RBA is looking for, and suggests further tightening in monetary policy.

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